How Can You Explain Job Gaps in Your Resumé?

The Business Podcast Canada
Business Professionals
1 min readJul 11, 2022


If your resumé has significant gaps between jobs, you might wonder how you can explain them in your resumé. We asked Pascal Theriault, a recruiter for HiHello, to share his thoughts about this with us in episode #4.

Pascal mentioned that gaps in resumés are no longer a red flag for recruiters since they understand that we all go through things in life. LinkedIn recently launched an update where you can explain gaps between roles for recruiters to see. Pascal even uses this in his profile, as he had an accident where he had a concussion and was unable to work for a while. He quite likes this approach and believes this can be done in resumés as well.

You should be able to add a brief line in between job experiences that explains that you had to take a break due to physical health, mental health, went back to school, etc. He does highlight that you should be able to explain your employment gap with recruiters and hiring managers once you advance to the interview process. While gaps are no longer as much of a red flag, recruiters will still want to know that there was a reason for them.

