Do Recruiters Look at Your Social Media?

The Business Podcast Canada
2 min readJul 11, 2022

As you are engaging with comments on social media and posting your own content, is it possible that recruiters will see that when they are considering you for a role? The answer might surprise you!

We spoke with Pascal Theriault, a recruiter at HiHello, to get his thoughts on this subject in episode #4. Robyn mentioned that 87% of recruiters look at a candidate’s LinkedIn profile, and Pascal agreed with that number and mentioned that it might even be closer to 100%! Recruiters will likely look to see if you have a positive online presence, that the information on your resumé matches what you have on LinkedIn, the kind of posts you’re interacting with, if you are sharing your own content, etc. So, word to the wise, treat LinkedIn as a professional networking platform. Don’t get in fights in the comments, and don’t post content you wouldn’t want a prospective employer to see!

When it comes to personal social media, such as Facebook or Instagram, Pascal mentioned that most recruiters don’t actually have time to be looking at those profiles; however, a hiring manager might have more time to look at your social media, especially when you are past the initial stages of the selection process and they only have a few resumés in front of them. As a rule of thumb, then, if you don’t want a prospective employer to see the posts or comments you have on your personal social media, it is always a good idea to keep it private so only your approved friends or followers can see them.

