Do Applicant Tracking Systems Discard Candidates Automatically?

The Business Podcast Canada
Business Professionals
1 min readJul 11, 2022


With companies increasingly relying on Applicant Tracking Systems to automate the selection process for roles, some candidates worry that a computer program will automatically reject their resumés. But is that the case, or does a human always look at resumés?

We asked that question to Pascal Theriault, a recruiter for HiHello, in episode #4. He mentioned that there is a misconception out there about what these programs actually do. These programs help recruiters track candidates and help them be more efficient at their jobs. They do pull information from a candidate’s resumé and even rank applicants based on certain criteria, but it is extremely rare that the program will reject candidates or make any decisions by itself. Pascal mentioned that oftentimes, at least one or two people will review resumés before making any decisions.

So, rest assured, a computer program will not be rejecting your resumé when you apply for a role. Be sure to listen to our fourth episode to hear resumé tips, red flags that jump out at recruiters, how to stand out among applicants, and more!

